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Direct Mail Guides

Check out the Addressers' Direct Mail Guides to help create more cost-effective and irresistible direct marketing

Direct Mail Tips and Guidelines

Everything You Need To Know About Our Autopen Mailers

Real Estate Pen Addressing Services
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On a daily basis, every mailbox is flooded and overwhelmed with generic postcards, letters and envelopes, and more, making it difficult for your direct mailer to be seen. 

At the Addressers, our team is always looking to reinvent marketing strategies and discover the most cost-effective, responsive direct mail piece. Recently, we’ve tested and seen a recent success with our autopen mailers.

Our autopen mailers are created with our in-house machines that use robotic arms holding a real pen to address each envelope, postcard or even an entire letter or postcard. These amazing autopen machines can be adjusted with different fonts, pens (sharpie too), color ink and more. 

Check out our video and fonts:

The beauty and success behind our real pen mailers is the authenticity and personalization that is almost impossible to replicate. The average consumer who is not updated and aware of evolving direct mail strategies would not be able to tell the difference between a handwritten or pen addressed envelope. 

There is nothing more enticing and persuading than a direct mail marketing piece that looks as if it is from a family or friend. There isn’t a discount code, “SURPRISE GIFT” or any direct mail tactic that can improve response rates like an auto pen direct mail piece. 

At the Addressers, we’ve seen a booming growth in our auto pen envelopes and printed letters. Also known as “golden real estate letters”, our real estate agents and agencies absolutely love this piece for their farming campaigns. In addition, our clients take advantage of this technology by adding a pen addressed signature, adding a pen addressed note on a postcard, pen addressing an entire letter and more. 

The Addressers is one of the leading direct mail providers in the nation. With our new 25,00 sq. ft. facility, our team can handle your entire campaign from start to finish and help you never miss a deadline again! Our customer service is second to none, feel free to read a few of our 5 star reviews on Google by searching “Addressers” on Google. If you’d like a free quote and consultation, please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Start Your Successful Pen Addressed Direct Mail Campaign Today!

Call (800) 961-4877 for a FAST QUOTE from Mon to Fri, 8 am to 7 pm PST.  Or fill-in this form, and we'll reach out to you:

Kent MoonComment