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Direct Mail Blog

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Direct Mail News and Tips

Worth The Additional Costs (WTAC): Oversized Postcards

If you’re new to this segment, each blog will breakdown whether certain additions and features of a direct mail campaign are worth it. For this segment of WTAC, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of oversized postcards for your next direct mail campaign.

Postcards are one of the most popular and original forms of direct mail marketing. Every industry can take advantage of postcard marketing because of the flexibility of what you can showcase & explain to your prospects. We’ve worked with churches, optometrists, insurance agencies, restaurants, real estate agents, nonprofits & more. For example, throw on images of your business, explain your services and products, add testimonials from your past customers, and even send out personalized URL codes or QR  codes for each recipient.  Check out a few of our postcard samples.

At the Addressers, we do not find it necessary to mail postcards that are 6x11 and over. Any postcard size 6x11 or over will pay a higher postage of $0.77 which can be quite expensive considerings any postcard under 6x11 to 5x7 will pay a postage of $0.304. And the smallest postcard size of 4x6 will pay a postage of $0.285.

There is no reason for you to pay that extra cost in postage just to increase the size by that much. In fact, we don’t recommend it.

Our most popular postcard size, 8.5x5.5, is the most cost-effective size with enough room to add various information and images. Direct mail campaigns are already expensive as is, and we find it very crucial to help maximize your marketing budget. The extra costs for a 6x11 and over postcard will not be worth the ROI.

With mailboxes overflowing with postcards and letters and envelopes, we find it important to stand out of your mailbox. If you think about it, the 8.5x5.5 postcard is exactly a half sheet of paper and a size that will definitely stand out in your mailbox. 

The Addressers is one of the best direct mail houses in the nation. We handle around 5 million mailing pieces a month, and a large percentage of these mailers are postcards. What separates us from the competition is our turnaround time, lowest costs, and customer services. We also offer the latest technology in variable data printing, Google street view, QR Code postcards, & more to personalize and improve the response for your postcard campaigns.

Read a few of our 5-star customer reviews.

Our team believes large postcards that are 6x11 and over are not worth the additional costs. The marketing budget saved can be used in other campaigns for digital marketing or other forms of direct marketing.

If you’re unsure what campaign is right for you and your business, fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!


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